Why Trying to Kill a Yellowjacket Wasp Nest Yourself is a Bad Idea

Rockland Bee Removal

As a pest control company (or exterminators in old terminology) we get daily calls late summer through fall from concerned property owners who have yellow jackets entering their homes or businesses.

It’s common place to hear the frustration as they witness yellow jackets wasps taking up occupancy in the exterior walls as they enter through a crack or hole. While to us treating these nests is usually a matter of routine, it can be very difficult for the layperson for a number of reasons.

It’s common for us to hear, “Well I sprayed them a couple days ago and it didn’t work because they’re right back at it again.” The key to eliminating a yellow jacket nest in a structure is to get control materials all the way into the nest.

Yellow Jacket Wasp

Wasp Control Materials & Methods

There are many reasons people struggle with killing yellow jackets. It could be that you’re using the wrong kind of stinging insect control.

Spraying the entry point with a liquid wasp spray or other aerosol will kill a lot of yellow jackets, but you will not get material into the nest itself. Nests treated with aerosols will almost always bounce back.

The preferred material for bee and wasp control in a wall void is an insecticidal dust. These can be difficult to find at your local hardware store. This material is applied with a duster. This piece of equipment propels the dust into the nest.

As the pest management professional squeezes the duster the air pushes the dust into voids. Because the dust is so light it can float over and around objects within the wall that a liquid material cannot.

A pest management professional squeezes insecticidal dust into a void

Killing the Whole Wasp Colony

Stinging insects like yellow jackets often live in tight quarters. Their nests are similar to other nest you may have seen but they prefer to build them in walls or the ground. They bump up against one another and travel throughout their nest spreading the dust to other workers, larvae, and the queen.

As the workers out foraging for food return to their nest, they come in contact with these materials as well. A typical nest will die out within days, larger ones can take a few weeks to be fully controlled.

A Honeybee stinging a Human

DO NOT Plug Holes Before Treating Wasps

Many people will attempt to kill a nest simply by plugging the entry hole from the outside. This almost always results in a home or business full of bees. Yellow jackets never just lie down and die. If their primary entry point is blocked, they will always look for another way out. This alternate escape route is often indoors.

Hundreds of Wasps escaping inside a home

Using a Pest Control Company for Wasp Control

For what it’s worth, you are best off leaving yellow jacket treatment to professionals. It can actually be cheaper to use our pest control services to take care of the nest for you than it is to purchase all of the equipment and materials that is required to successfully eliminate a yellow jacket nest in a structure.

Rockland Bee Removal offers 1-time treatment options for stinging insects. This includes a guarantee for a limited amount of time for the specific nest that we treat. If you have any questions about our pest control service options, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Bald Faced Hornet
Man running from Bee swarm
Wasp nest entry point
